About Us
ZoomKarateNow (ZKN) was founded by Coach V in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial goal of ZKN was to provide convenient & safe karate instruction to families during the pandemic. After lockdowns ended and we all started to resume in-person activities, the need for online training came to an end. Or so we thought!
Starting in Fall 2022, ZKN started offering 1on1 private lesson instruction via Zoom! Kaizen Karate black belts Coach Eli and Coach Nina lead the ZKN team to provide supplementary training to students who are interested in belt exam preparation and more.
Coach V - Head Instructor
Coach V is the Head Instructor of Kaizen Karate located in the Washington, DC area.
“Coach V” has 35 years of experience in the martial arts, having spent the majority of his life committed to the trade. He began his journey with karate at five years old and earned his first black belt in non-traditional Tang Soo Do in 1998 through Hill's Hitters Karate and Master Instructor Dr. Phillip Hill. Coach V went on to earn his business degree at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland in College Park. Coach V continues his training in Kenpo under 8th degree black belt Sifu Greg Payne who also holds a 5th degree black belt in Shotokan as well as many other black belts in other arts including Goju ryu & Judo. In 2014, Coach V earned his second black belt in IKCA Kenpo under Sifu Greg Payne and the supervision of 10th degree black belt Senior Grandmaster Chuck Sullivan and 10th degree black belt Grandmaster Vic Leroux. In 2017, Coach V was promoted to 6th degree black belt in IKCA Kenpo by 10th degree black belt Senior Grandmaster Chuck Sullivan who is a direct student of Senior Grand Master Ed Parker. In 2021, Coach V was promoted to 7th degree black belt in IKCA Chinese Kenpo by 10th degree black belt Senior Grandmaster Chuck Sullivan. Coach V also studied Aikido at the ASU headquarters overseen by Saotome Sensei, Shihan who is one of the original students of Aikido's founder Morihei Ueshiba (O Sensei). In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife and children as well as running local long distance races which most recently included the Cherry Blossom 10 miler, Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon, & Marine Corp Marathon in Washington, DC.
Coach Eli - Black Belt Instructor
Eli Goldenberg is a Kaizen Karate Black Belt currently studying at Binghamton University in New York. He has been with Kaizen for over sixteen years, and has had his Black Belt since 2018. Eli has many years of teaching experience starting with being a CIT at Kaizen Karate camp as a preteen, and has been an official Kaizen Karate Instructor since 2017.
Coach Nina - Black Belt Instructor
Coach Nina has trained with Kaizen Karate for over 10 years. She has over five years of teaching experience in summer camp and classes and is a Kaizen Karate Senior Instructor. She received her Kaizen Karate black belt in 2021. She received her first degree Kaizen black belt in 2023. Currently, she studies Psychology and Sociology at McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland.